Chester Lake

Chester Lake is a beautiful lake just off of hwy 40 that glistens green and blue colors. This is a moderate hike that will take about 2 and a half hours if you’re taking your time with about 300ft of elevation.

Getting there: Off the TransCanada take hwy 40 towards the Stoney Nakoda Resort and Casino. Take hwy 40 for almost an hour until you reach the Spray Lakes turn off (this is a dirt road). Then you will see a sign for Chester Lake, we found this hike was not obvious to locate.

One of my favorite things about this hike was the incredible about of wild flowers that bloom along the trail of all different kinds. Another great thing about this hike is that you can hike all along the edge of the lake once you get to the top. The views from different sides of the lake are quite different. On the south side of the lake there is a small waterfall and a small island of rocks you can get to.

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Chester Lake August 2016