Prairie View Trail/ Jewell Pass

Location: Kananaskis Country

Approximate Time: 6 hours

Length: 13 km

You’ll have to be ready to buckle in for a whole day but I promise that it will be a great dimage2ay. Expect the ~13km trail to take you about 6 hours if you’re doing the full loop but I really wouldn’t recommend it any other way. This hike might just be one of my new favorites. However, I must admit that I was nervous about trying a new hike because I have been somewhat disappointed by new hikes I have recently tried. To my surprise, I found that the views on this hike are unbelievable. The photo to the right is the view of barrier lake from the summit.

Logistically speaking, I would recommend parking in the barrier lake parking lot (just below Widow Makers Day Use area on the map below) and starting along prairie view trail which is quite steep going up so don’t be afraid to take your time because this is the hardest part. You’ll arrive at the first view point but don’t be fooled into thinking that this is the top (I was fooled that it was the top because it was my first time there last weekend). The summit is just a little bit further along and when you find yourself going almost straight up the side of the mountain you might be afraid you’ve drifted from the path but that isn’t the case4-12-2016 1-28-44 PM. Don’t let me scare you by saying “straight up the side of the mountain”, it is quite brief and there is almost a natural staircase that will guide you to the summit.

Once you’ve reached the summit you can find you’re way back by either coming back down the way that you came or taking Jewell Pass. I recommend coming down Jewell Pass even though it lengthens the hike. The 2.7km of jewell pass are in the shade and quite peaceful because this path is a lot less busy. It is the walk from the bottom of Jewell Pass back to the car around barrier lake that is quite long. But it’s worth it because you’ll find the beautiful Jewell Falls. Which truly are a little jewel to stubble upon. I didn’t expect the falls to be frozen still but since this area is so shaded the falls were still completely frozen (as pictured below) even though it is spring.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Jewell Falls –@nlatter (instagram and vsco)

This hike has so much to offer, I highly recommend this hike to anyone looking to try something new!