The New Year’s Resolution Post

My little cousin was running around over Christmas trying to get everyone to play with his present, he got a new product called bean boozles where all of the jelly beans appear the same but some are gross flavors and other ones are enjoyable. His bean boozles reminded me of Harry Potter’s Bertie Bott’s flavor beans. I have a special appreciation for the Harry Potter series as many do, I even find myself randomly quoting the books. There is one magical concept in particular that managed to really grasp my attention above all of the other unique ideas found in the Harry Potter series. My life would change entirely if I owned a time turner. It is a necklace used by Hermione Granger that allows a wizard to turn back time and change the past. Hermione simply uses the time turner to attend additional classes but if I were to own a time turner I would probably use it a little differently.

In the past taking the time to try new things has tended to be a really positive experience for me. However, an excuses that always seem to come to mind are along the lines of “but will I have enough time for another commitment?”. It is extremely challenging to find the time for trying new things. The truth of the matter is that I am able to find the time to do things that are truly important to me.

This new year I resolved to spend more time at the gym as everyone has but more importantly I resolved to be less selfish with my time. While I was completing my degree I had a tendency to make excuses that I needed more time to study if I didn’t really wanna spend my time doing something. I realize that this habit wasn’t fair to those around me. I would love to spend more time with my family, volunteering with junior achievement, reading fiction novels and also spend time trying new things.

Hopefully the time turner is invented soon but until then I will just have to make an active effort to avoid making excuses. Hopefully my resolution to be less selfish with my time changes my life for the better.
